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Pressure Spy

Digital AMR/AMI - Pressure Logger

Funkcje specjalne
  • Easy of use
  • Rugged
  • Magnet switch
  • Default configuration
  • Uses 3 wire industry standard protocol MIU
  • Protection class IP 68

Pomiar strefy,Zgodność z Poseyedon


The Pressure Spy is the ideal device for monitoring pressure of any water network in 15 min increments. This robust and compact design of the Pressure Spy makes it very suitable for field operations small spaces.

As soon as the Pressure Spy is connected to the water Column, switched on and plugged into an AMR/AMI transmitter pressure information can be retrieved via patrol or remote data collectors.

This device helps to identify weak spots in a water system and reduce non-revenue water.



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SebaKMT jest pionierem w rozwoju i wytwarzaniu systemów diagnostycznych do lokalizacji wycieków wody i ograniczenia strat wody. Jesteśmy partnerami operatorów sieci wodociągowych od 70 lat.


Megger Sp.z o.o.
ul. Słoneczna 42A
05-500 Stara Iwiczna

+48 22 2 809 808

Copyright 2024. SebaKMT by Megger.
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