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Pipe knocker RSP 3

Plastic pipe locator

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The detection and localization of non-metallic drinking water pipes, e.g. asbestos cement, PE and PVC, the acoustic sound pulse technique is employed. A knocking generator transmits vibrations along the pipe.

Depending on type of material, diameter and type of soil, the sound pulses propagate along the pipe and can be detected on the surface by means of a geophone. In this manner the route of the pipe can precisely be located.


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SebaKMT este pionierul în dezvoltarea și fabricarea sistemelor de măsurare pentru detectarea și reducerea pierderilor de apă. De 70 de ani suntem partenerul furnizorilor de apă din întreaga lume.


Str. Av. Ştefan Protopopescu nr.1,
Bl.C6, ap.25
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+40 21 2309138

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